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101 more ways to make training active /

Biech, Elaine,

101 more ways to make training active / One hundred one more ways to make training active One hundred and one more ways to make training active Elaine Biech. - 1 online resource

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Cover; Table of Contents; Title Page; Copyright; Acknowledgments; Introduction: Getting the Most from this Resource; How This Book Is Organized; 200 Tips to Make Training Active and Learning Successful; Two Hundred Tips; 1. Mel's Top 10 Training Tips; 2. 10 Tips to Open a Learning Session Actively; 3. 10 Tactics for Relevant Ice Breakers; 4. 10 Participant Introductions; 5. 10 Tips to Create an Enticing Learning Environment; 6. 10 Basics for Active Facilitators; 7. 10 Tips to Become an Engaging Facilitator; 8. 10 Tips to Keep Learners Focused 9. 10 Presenting Mistakes to Avoid and a Bonus: 10 Tactics for Professional Presenters10. 10 Factors That Increase Retention; 11. 10 Storytelling Tips; 12. 10 Tips to Effectively Launch a Practice Activity; 13. 10 Ways to Encourage Participant Timeliness; 14. 10 Creative Strategies for Forming Groups; 15. 10 Options to Motivate Learners; 16. 10 Quick Recap Strategies; 17. 10-Step Process to Increase Applicability; 18. 10 Ideas to Ensure Transferability; 19. 10 Ways to Address Challenging Situations; 20. 10 Options for Active Closings; Open Every Session Actively; Icebreakers and Introductions 1. Finding People Alike2. Me in 20 Words or Less; 3. Traffic Lights; 4. Honoring Experience and Expertise; 5. We're All in the Same Boat; Identifying Participant Expectations; 6. On Course, of Course; 7. Ask and Deliver; 8. Visualizing Success; 9. Why Are You Here?; 10. Topic Networking; 11. Different Question, Same Result; Delivering Active Learning; Connecting Learning to the Workplace; 12. Advice Exchange; 13. Pull Up a Chair; Engaging Participants in Learning; 14. Four Corners; 15. Create a Timeline; 16. Make Your Case; 17. The Power of Demonstration Learning; 18. Twitter Engagement 19. Photo Environment Survey20. Learning at-a-Glance Placemat; Enhance Learning with Practice; 21. Shine a Light on Me!; 22. Go with the Flow; 23. Show It Online; 24. Two Negatives Make a Positive; 25. Acronym BINGO; 26. Sequence Is Important; Learn with Your Peers; 27. Four Square and Share; 28. Rotating Review; 29. Angles, Tangles, and Dangles; 30. The Power of Story; 31. QR Code Query; 32. Peer Assessment; Content to Support Active Learning; Communication; 33. Communication Challenges; 34. Generational Communication Awareness; 35. Tell It in a Story; 36. It's In the Words Diversity and Inclusion37. Cultural Limitations in Clay; 38. Celebrate Differences; 39. Connecting through Hello; Leadership; 40. Listening to Collaboration; 41. Focus a Discussion; 42. Best Boss; 43. Learning through Dialogue; 44. Brand Boosters; 45. Touchpoint; Teamwork and Team Building; 46. Crest of Teams; 47. Wall of Reality and Greatness; 48. Hit Your Numbers; 49. Who's Important?; 50. Sticking Together; 51. Team Effectiveness; 52. Balancing Responsibilities; 53. Decorate Your Cake and Eat It, Too; 54. Construct Your Team; 55. What's Your Story?; Tools to Facilitate Active Learning

Liven up training with new, dynamic strategies for active participation 101 More Ways to Make Training Active brings together a rich, comprehensive collection of training strategies and activities into one easy source. Designed for quick navigation, this useful guide is packed with classroom-ready ideas and twenty "how-to" lists to enliven any learning situation, helping you better engage their trainees and encourage active participation. These techniques are applicable to almost any topic and learning objective, and provide guidance on every aspect of Active Training design and delivery. Each strategy includes recommendations for length of time, number of participants, and other conditional factors, plus a case study that illustrates the strategy in action. Coverage includes topics like communication, change management, coaching, feedback, conflict, diversity, customer service, and more, providing a complete reference for facilitating active training sessions. Active Training requires the participants to do most of the worK. T.hey use their brains, and apply what they've learned. The environment is fast-paced, fun, supportive, and personally engaging, and encourages participants to figure things out for themselves. This book contains specific, practical strategies for bringing this environment to any training session.-Learn new strategies for stimulating active discussion -Inspire creativity, innovation, and collaboration -Teach better decision making, leadership, and self-management -Make lectures active to encourage more participation Active training makes training sessions more enjoyable, and as participants invest themselves more heavily into the material, outcomes begin to improve dramatically. This dynamic atmosphere doesn't happen by accident; the activities and the course itself must be designed and delivered in a way that encourages active participation. In 101 More Ways to Make Training Active, you get a toolkit of creative, challenging, and fun ways to make it happen

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Active learning.
Apprentissage par l'action.
EDUCATION--Organizations & Institutions.
Active learning


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