Role of Teachers in Changing Context : Policy and Practice /
edited by D. Parimala
- New Delhi Kanishka Publishers 2012
- 310p. xviii; 23cm
CONTENTS Introduction
1. Changing Role of Teachers in Contemporary India: Policy and Practice. 2. Educating Urban Disadvantaged Children in India: Challenges for Teachers. 3. Teacher Concerns: Divergence in Policy and Practices. 4. Teacher Education: Theory, Practice and Future Perspective. 5. Experiences of Pre-Services Teachers: Issues of Concern for Teacher Preparation. 6. Reddressing Curriculum of Teacher Education at Elementary Level to Support Inclusion. 7. Elementary School Teachers in the New Era: Quantity and Quality Concerns. 8. Reaching out on the Children from Diverse Backgrounds: Some Pedagogical Concerns. 9. Locating Gender Equity in School Practices. 10. Pre-Service Teacher Education: Role of Self-financing Institutes. 11. Designating Integrated Teacher Education Programme: Integrating Various Categories of Knowledge. 12. ICT and Teacher Education: Various Perspectives. 13. In-Services Teacher Education Programmes: Pointers and Futures. 14. Re-exploring Quality Options for TeacherCadre Management in India: A Comparative Analysis. 15. Familiar Script Different Roles. 16. Roles of ICT in Teacher Education. 17. Effectiveness of Distance Education in Teaching of Sciences: A Study among In-Services Teachers. 18. Teacher Education and NCF 2005: Linkages. 19. MCD Schools System: Present Scenarion. 20. ICT Education: Challenges and Opportunities. 21. What Matters in Education? Perception and Beliefs of Prospective Teachers on Inclusion. 22. Teachers in Globalized Scenario: Issues and Concerns. Includes List of Contributors & Index.