Furer-Haimendorf, Christoph.

Gonds of Andhra Pradesh: Tradition and Change in an Indian Tribe/ by Christoph Von Furer-Haimendorf & Elizabeth Von Furer-Haimendorf. - vii , 569 pages ; 24 cm

1. The Gonds in History and Literature.
2. The Material and Cultural Environment.
3. The Settlement Pattern.
4. The Village as a Social Unit.
5. The Neighbourhood.
6. Phratries-The Main Pillars of the Social Structure.
7. The Clan System.
8. The Feudal System-Past and Present.
9. Pardhans- The Bards of the Gonds.
10. Tribal Justice and Social Values.
11. The Mythological Foundations of the Social Order.
12. The Early Phases of Life.
13. Avenues to Marriage.
14. Marriage, Divorce and Inheritance.
15. The KInship System.
16. Death and the Cult of the Dead.
17. Farming- The Basis of Gond Economy.
18. Religious Beliefs and Practices.
19. The Cult of the Clan Deities.
20. The Changing Fortunes of the Adilabad Gonds.

Includes Glossary, Bibliography and Index.


Furer-Haimendorf, Christoph. Author,

Gonds Tribes--Tradition and Change--India,
Gonds Tribes--Tradition and Change--India.
Gonds Tribes--Tradition and Change--India.
Gonds Tribes--Tradition and Change--India.

305.8095484 / HAI