Managing diversity through non-territorial autonomy : assessing advantages, deficiencies, and risks / Tove H. Malloy, Alexander Osipov, and Balâazs Vizi. - First edition. - 1 online resource

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Non-territorial autonomy (NTA) is a statecraft tool that is gaining increasing importance in societies seeking to accommodate demands by ethno-cultural groups for a voice in cultural affairs important to the protection and preservation of their identity, such as language and education as well as religion. NTA offers policymakers a range of options for institutional design adaptable to specific circumstances and historical legacies. The ambition of this volume is to provide both policymakers and ethno-cultural groups with a toolkit that promotes social cohesion while respecting diversity.

9780191801747 (ebook) : No price

Minorities--Legal status, laws, etc.

