Cedric Jenart

Outsourcing Rulemaking Powers Constitutional limits and national safeguards electronic OS Rulemaking Powers Cedric Jenart - First Edition - 313 p All black and white images - Oxford scholarship online . - Oxford Academic .

Includes Includes bibliographical references and index.

Summary Contents: List of Abbreviations - 1. Introduction - 2. International Framework - 3. Comparative Delegation Framework by Constitutional Provisions - 4. Comparative Outsourcing Limits by Constitutional Principles - 5. Comparative National Outsourcing Safeguards - 6. World Anti-Doping Agency Case Study - 7. General Conclusions - Index

Within democratic states, parliaments have always been regarded as playing a pivotal role in the creation of rules and are taken to represent the opinions and interests of society, which they serve through the legislative process. In an increasingly globalized world, nation-states are confronted with issues that require international cooperation, expert knowledge, and flexibility to resolve and parliaments are increasingly settling for a managerial position. They have also begun to outsource their rulemaking powers.


Constitutional principles ; Rulemaking powers --legality principle ; separation of powers

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