The Oxford handbook of well-being and public policy /
Well-being and public policy
edited by Matthew D. Adler and Marc Fleurbaey.
- 1 online resource.
- Oxford handbooks online .
- Oxford handbooks online. .
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Introduction / Cost-Benefit Analysis / GDP / Inequality and poverty measures / Social Welfare Functions / Fair allocation / Multidimensional Indicators of Inequality and Poverty / QALY-Based Cost-Effectiveness Analysis / Happiness-Based Policy Analysis / Preference-based views of well-being / Mental State Approaches to Well-Being / Objective goods / Subjective well-being in psychology / Subjective well-being in economics / Equivalent income / Extended preferences / SWB as a Measure of Individual Well-Being / The Capability Approach and Well-Being Measurement for Public Policy / Multidimensional Poverty Indices / Measuring Poverty / Does fairness require a multidimensional approach? / Does the Choice of Well-Being Measure Matter Empirically? / Social Evaluation under Risk and Uncertainty / Individual Responsibility and Equality of Opportunity / Welfare Comparisons with Heterogeneous Prices, Consumption, and Preferences / Welfare and the Household / Preference Inconsistency / Lifetime Well-Being / The Well-Being of Future Generations / Matthew D. Adler, Marc Fleurbaey -- Robin Boadway -- Paul Schreyer -- Frank Cowell -- John Weymark -- William Thomson -- Satya Chakravarty, Maria Ana Lugo -- Jose Maria Abellan, Carmen Herrero, Jose Luis Pinto -- Paul Dolan, Daniel Fujiwara -- Krister Bykvist -- Daniel M. Haybron -- Thomas Hurka -- Richard Lucas -- Carol Graham -- Marc Fleurbaey -- Matthew D. Adler -- Andrew Clark -- Sabina Alkire -- Jean-Yves Duclos, Luca Tiberti -- Thomas Pogge, Scott Wisor -- Richard J. Arneson -- Koen Decanq, Dirk Neumann -- Philippe Mongin, Marcus Pivato -- Francisco H. G. Ferreira, Vito Peragine -- Prasada Rao -- Pierre-Andre Chiappori -- Eldar Shafir -- Gregory Ponthiere -- John Broome.
What are the methodologies that we should employ for designing and evaluating governmental policy, in light of the profound effects that policies have on the level and distribution of individuals' well-being? The Oxford Handbook of Well-Being and Public Policy is a comprehensive, interdisciplinary treatment of this question, drawing from welfare economics, moral philosophy, and psychology. It covers policy-assessment methodologies, both established and emerging, and reviews philosophical conceptions of well-being, and the literature on "subjective well-being" in psychology and economics. Further chapters focus specifically on well-being measurement, and a variety of challenges for policy assessment.
9780199349715 (ebook)
Well-being. Quality of life--Evaluation. Public welfare. Welfare economics. Social indicators. Economic indicators. Social policy. Economic policy.