The Travails and death of Rev. Thomas Jones : Father of the Khasi Alphabet, Missionary of the Gospel, and Freedom Fighter of the Khasis / eng
by Iaithrang Nongbri.
- India: 2016.
- 113p.; iv, 21cm.
CONTENTS Chapter I: Introduction. Chapter II: The Contribution of Rev. Jones. Chapter III: The Tribulations of Rev. Jones. Chapter IV: The Pomreng Mission (1847-1849). Chapter V: The Conflict of Rev. Jones with Mr. Inglis. Chapter VI: The Dunbar Enguiry. Chapter VII: Mr. Inglis's Last Attempt Against Rev. Jones. Chapter VIII: The Long Arm of the Law. Chapter IX: A Brief Account on Mr. Inglis. Chapter X: The Secrecy of Camilla. Chapter XI: In Memory of Pandua, the once thriving Khasi Village.