The Oxford handbook of publishing / Publishing edited by Angus Phillips and Michael Bhaskar. - 1 online resource. - Oxford handbooks online . - Oxford handbooks online. .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Copyright and Intellectual Property / Publishing and Corporate Social Responsibility / Organizational Structures in Publishing / Trade Publishing / Academic Publishing / Educational Publishing / Marketing for Publishing / Rights / Authorship / Reading / Libraries / Publishing History / Bookselling / Book Design / Publishing and Technology / Networks / The Future of Publishing / Introduction / Publishing and Society / Publishing and Culture / Publishing and Information / Curation in Publishing / Economics of Publishing / The Strategy of Publishing / Globalization and Publishing / Mira T. Sundara Rajan -- Angus Phillips -- Frania Hall -- John B. Thompson -- Samantha J. Rayner -- Miha Kovač, Mojca K. Šebart -- Alison Baverstock -- Lynette Owen -- Simone Murray -- Adriaan van der Weel -- Alex Holzman, Sarah Lippincott -- Alistair McCleery -- Niels Peter Thomas -- Paul Luna -- John Maxwell -- Carlos A. Scolari -- Michael Bhaskar, Angus Phillips -- Michael Bhaskar, Angus Phillips -- Elizabeth Le Roux -- John Oakes -- Martin Paul Eve -- Michael Bhaskar -- Albert N. Greco -- Albert N. Greco -- Miha Kovač, Rèudiger Wischenbart.

Publishing is one of the oldest and most influential businesses in the world. It remains an essential creative and knowledge industry, worth over $140 billion a year, which continues to shape our education and culture. Two trends make this a particularly exciting time. The first is the revolution in communications technology that has transformed what it means to publish; far from resting on their laurels and retreating into tradition, publishers are doing as they always have - staying on the cutting edge. The second is the growing body of academic work that studies publishing in its many forms. Both mean that there has never been a more important time to examine this essential practice and the current state of knowledge.


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Publishers and publishing.

