The Oxford handbook of sovereign wealth funds / Sovereign wealth funds edited by Douglas Cumming, Geoffrey Wood, Igor Filatotchev, and Juliane Reinecke. - 1 online resource. - Oxford handbooks online . - Oxford handbooks online. .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

A Financial Force to be Reckoned With? An Overview of Sovereign Wealth Funds / Strangers Are Not All Danger: SWF Investment in the Energy Industry / Investment Terms and Level of Control of China's Sovereign Wealth Fund in its Portfolio Firms / Sovereign Wealth Funds and Private Equity / Sovereign Wealth Funds and the Resource Curse - Resource funds and governance in resource-rich countries / The Norwegian Government Pension Fund-Global and the Implications of its Activities for Stakeholders / The Australian Future Fund / Is it possible to avoid the St. Augustine Syndrome of fiscal procrastination? The Case of Chile / The China Investment Corporation: From Inception to Sideline / Sovereign Wealth Funds and the Global Political Economy of Trust and Legitimacy / Sovereign Wealth Funds in the Persian Gulf States / Sovereign Funds and Domestic Political Risk / From Financialization to Vulture Developmentalism: South-North Strategic Sovereign Wealth Fund Investment and the Politics of the 'Quadruple Bottom Line' / Introducing Sovereign Wealth Funds / Sovereign Wealth Funds and Foreign Policy / Sovereign Wealth and the Extraterritorial Manipulation of Corporate Conduct: A Multifaceted Paradigm in Transnational Law / Sovereign Wealth Fund Investment and Firm Volatility / Sovereign Wealth Funds: Investment Choices and Implications around the World / Sovereign Development Funds: The Governance and Management of Strategic Investment Institutions / Co-investments of sovereign wealth funds in private equity / The Use of Debt by Sovereign Wealth Fund / Sovereign wealth fund investments and industry performance: Evidence from Europe / Spain and Sovereign Wealth Funds: Four Strategic Governance Types / Sovereign Wealth Funds in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) / Veljko Fotak, Xuechen Gao, William L. Megginson -- Di Wang -- Jing Li -- Douglas Michael Wright, Kevin Amess -- Jędrzej George Frynas -- Geoffrey Wood, Noel O'Sullivan, Marc Goergen, Marijana Baric -- Xi-Chong Xu -- Eric Parrado -- Christopher Balding, Kevin Chastagner -- Gordon L. Clark, Adam D. Dixon -- Gawdat Bahgat -- Paul Rose -- Daniel Haberly -- Douglas Cumming, Igor Filatotchev, Juliane Reinecke, Geoffrey Wood -- Kathryn C. Lavelle -- Salar Ghahramani -- April Knill, Nathan Mauck -- Nuno Fernandes -- Peter Bruce-Clark, Ashby H.B Monk -- Joseph A. McCahery, F. Alexander de Roode -- Stefano Lugo, Fabio Bertoni -- Sophie Bâereau, Jean-Yves Gnabo, Malik Kerkour, Hâeláene Raymond -- Javier Capape, Ruth Aguilera, Javier Santiso -- Piotr Wiśniewski.

Sovereign Wealth Funds have become increasingly powerful and influential investors. Their increasing role, and unusual character as both political and market actors, raise a number of issues with regard to finance, politics, regulation, and international business. This handbook draws together the growing but fragmented research on SWFs.


9780191816291 (ebook) : No price

Sovereign wealth funds.

