Railways Act, 1989 - New Delhi: LexisNexis, 2023 - 133p,; xviii, 25cm

The Railways Act, 1989 (24 of 1989) with
The Railway Property (Unlawful Possession) Act, 1966 (29 of 1966)
The Statutory Investigation into Railway Accidents Rules, 1998
The Railway (Notices of and Inquiries into Accidents) Rules, 1998 as amended by; (Amendment) Rules, 2019
Thee Railway Servants (Hours of Works and Period of Rest) Rules, 2005
The Railway Passengers (Manner of Investigation of Untoward Incidents) Rules, 2020
The Rail Land Development Authority (Transaction of Business) Regulations, 2012
The Railways (Punitive Charges for Overloading of Wagon) Rules, 2012 as amended by (Amendment) Rules, 2020
The Indian Railways (Penalties and Activities Affecting Cleanliness at Railway Premises) Rules, 2012
The Rail land Development Authority (Development of Land and Others Work) Regulations, 2012
The Authorisation of Rail Travellers Service Agent Rules,2014 as amended by; (Amendment) Rules, 2019
The Land Acquisition (Special Railway Projects) Rules, 2016
The Railways Passengers (Manner of Investigation of Untoward Incidents) Rules, 2020

