The Oxford handbook of diversity in organizations / Handbook of diversity in organizations Diversity in organizations edited by Regine Bendl, Inge Bleijenbergh, Elina Henttonen, and Albert J. Mills. - 1 online resource (xxiv, 635 pages). - Oxford handbooks online . - Oxford handbooks online. .

Previously issued in print: 2015.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

In Search of the 'Real' / Explaining Diversity Management Outcomes / Global Diversity Management / Rethinking Higher Education Diversity Studies through a Diversity Management Frame / Entrepreneurship and Diversity / Practices of Organizing and Managing Diversity in Emerging Countries / Intersectionality at the Intersection / Of Race and Religion / Intersectionality, Social Identity Theory, and Explorations of Hybridity / Reframing Diversity Management / The Intersectionalities of Age, Ethnicity, and Class in Organizations / People with Disabilities / Rethinking Diversity in Organizations and Society / Examining Diversity in Organizations from Critical Perspectives / Future Challenges for Practices of Diversity Management in Organizations / From Here to There and Back Again / The Politics of Equality and Diversity / Duelling Dualisms / Theories of Difference, Diversity, and Intersectionality / Reflections on Diversity and Inclusion Practices at the Organizational, Group, and Individual Levels / Advancing Postcolonial Approaches in Critical Diversity Studies / Introduction: Mapping the Field of Diversity in Organizations / A Postcolonial Deconstruction of Diversity Management and Multiculturalism / Queer Perspectives Fuelling Diversity Management Discourse / Ambiguous Diversities / Individuals, Teams, and Organizational Benefits of Managing Diversity / Organizational Benefits through Diversity Management / Challenges and Opportunities / Collecting Narratives and Writing Stories of Diversity / Paul Mutsaers, Marja-Liisa Trux -- Sandra Groeneveld -- Mustafa Bilgehan Öztürk, Ahu Tatli, Mustafa Özbilgin -- Mary Ann Danowitz -- Deirdre Tedmanson, Caroline Essers -- Anita Bosch, Stella M. Nkomo, Nasima MH Carrim, Rana Haq, Jawad Syed, Faiza Ali -- Danielle Mercer, Mariana Ines Paludi, Jean Helms Mills, Albert J. Mills -- Ali Mir, Saadia Toor, Raza Mir -- Lucy Taksa, Glen Powell, Laknath Jayasinghe -- Alexandra Faria -- Edeltraud Hanappi-Egger, Renate Ortlieb -- David Baldridge, Joy Beattie, Alison M. Konrad, Mark E. Moore -- David Knights, Vedran Omanović -- Inge Bleijenbergh, Sandra L. Fielden -- Yvonne Benschop, Charlotte Holgersson, Marieke van den Brink, Anna Wahl -- Banu Ozkazanc-Pan, Marta B. Calás -- Geraldine Healy -- Judith K. Pringle, Glenda Strachan -- Jeff Hearn, Jonna Louvrier -- Ruth Sessler Bernstein, Marcy Crary, Diana Bilimoria, Donna Maria Blancero -- Gavin Jack -- Regine Bendl, Inge Bleijenbergh, Elina Henttonen, Albert J. Mills -- Anna-Liisa Kaasila-Pakanen -- Regine Bendl, Roswitha Hofmann -- Annette Risberg, Sine Nørholm Just -- Eddy Ng, Jacqueline Stephenson -- Kelly Dye, Golnaz Golnaraghi -- Janet Porter, Rosalie Hilde -- Patrizia Zanoni, Koen Van Laer.

This text presents the foundations of organizing and managing diversities, offers multidisciplinary, intersectional and critical analyses on key issues, and opens up fresh perspectives in order to advance the diversity debate. The contributors are a team of leading diversity scholars from all over the world.


9780191759109 No price

Diversity in the workplace.
Business and Management.
Business & Management.

