The Oxford handbook of law and economics. Volume 2, Private and commercial law /
Private and commercial law
edited by Francesco Parisi.
- 1 online resource (vi, 575 pages).
- Oxford handbooks online .
- Oxford handbooks online. .
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Economics of Contract Law / Theory of Efficient Breach / Economics of Tort Law / Medical Malpractice / Economics of Property Law / Commons and Anticommons / Family and Household Economics / Economics of Remedies / Economics of Intellectual Property Law / Trademarks and Unfair Competition / Law and Economics of Information / Open-Access and Information Commons / Banking and Financial Regulation / Economics of Bankruptcy / Law and Economics of Insurance / The Economic Nature of the Corporation / Market for Corporate Law / Agency and Partnership / Estimating Pain and Suffering Damages / Economics of Environmental Law / Douglas G. Baird -- Daniel Markovits, Alan Schwartz -- Jennifer H. Arlen -- Ronen Avraham, Max M. Schanzenbach -- Henry E. Smith -- Michael A. Heller -- Amy Wax -- Ariel Porat -- Robert P. Merges -- Clarisa Long -- Tim Wu -- Yochai Benkler -- Steven L. Schwarcz -- Michelle J. White -- Daniel Schwarcz, Peter Siegelman -- Lynn A. Stout -- Roberta Romano -- George M. Cohen -- Ronen Avraham -- Michael A. Livermore, Richard L. Revesz.
The Oxford Handbook of Law and Economics covers over one-hundred topics on issues ranging from law and neuroeconomics to European Union law and economics to feminist theory and law and economics. The book gathers together scholars and experts in law and economics to create the most inclusive and current work on law and economics. It begins at the origins of the field of law and economics, tracks its progression and increased importance to both law and economics, and looks to the future of the field and its continued development by examining a cornucopia of fields touched by work in law and economics.
9780191764738 (ebook) : No price
Law and economics. Civil law--Economic aspects. Commercial law--Economic aspects.