The Oxford handbook of strategy implementation / Handbook of strategy implementation Strategy implementation edited by Michael A. Hitt, Susan E. Jackson, Salvador Carmona Leonard Bierman, Christina E. Shalley and Douglas Michael Wright. - 1 online resource. - Monthly, 2014-2017 - Oxford handbooks online . - Oxford handbooks online. .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Theory Development by Induction: Goal-Setting Theory, 1990 to 2013 / A Study of the Long-Term Value of Capabilities-Based Resources, Intangible Strategic Assets, and Firm Performance / The Aging Workforce: Implications for Human Resource Management Research and Practice / Sourcing External Knowledge: Clusters, Alliances, and Acquisitions / The Imperative for Strategy Implementation / Organizational Design and Control Choices / Evidence-Based Management at the Bottom of the Pyramid: Why Human Resources Standards and Research Must Connect More Closely / Exploring the Relationship Between Human Resource Management and Organizational Performance in the Healthcare Sector / Exploring the Challenges of Broadening Accounting Reports / IPOs and Corporate Governance / Managing Human Capital: Meta-analysis of Links among Human Resource Management Practices and Systems, Human Capital and Performance / Estimation of Discretionary Accruals and the Detection of Earnings Management / Antitrust Compliance / Management Control Systems and Creativity / The Future of Strategy Implementation / Women at the top: Will more women in senior roles impact organizational outcomes? / Epistemics at Work: The Theory of Mind in Principal-Agent Relations / Social Construction of Boundaries in the Context of the Official and Unofficial Economies / Edwin A. Locke, Gary P. Latham -- Brian R. Chabowski, G. Tomas M. Hult -- Donald M. Truxillo, David M. Cadiz, Jennifer R. Rineer -- Stephen Tallman, Anupama Phene -- Michael A. Hitt, Susan E. Jackson, Salvador Carmona, Leonard Bierman, Christina E. Shalley, Douglas Michael Wright -- Christian Hofmann, Laurence van Lent -- Wayne F. Cascio, John W. Boudreau -- Ian Kessler -- Brad Potter, Naomi Soderstrom -- Igor Filatotchev, Douglas Michael Wright, Garry D. Bruton -- David J. Ketchen Jr., T. Russell Crook, Samuel Y. Todd, James G. Combs, David J. Woehr -- Paul Zarowin -- D. Daniel Sokol -- Antonio Davila, Angelo Ditillo -- Michael A. Hitt, Susan E. Jackson, Salvador Carmona, Leonard Bierman, Christina E. Shalley, Douglas Michael Wright -- Carol T. Kulik, Isabel Metz -- Stefan Linder, Nicolai J. Foss, Diego Stea -- Katalin Takacs-Haynes, R. Duane Ireland.

Selecting the best strategy is important if a firm is to achieve and maintain a competitive advantage, but many strategies fail not because they are improperly formulated but because they are poorly implemented. Strategy implementation is among the most important and most challenging issues with which top executives must deal, and effective implementation can help firms achieve high performance. Therefore, a greater understanding of the critical dimensions of strategy implementation is needed. This handbook is designed to provide a deeper understanding of topics important for the implementation of strategy.

9780190650247 (ebook) : No price

Strategic planning.
Industrial management.
Personnel management.
Organizational effectiveness.

