Coutinho, V.B

Jurisprudence & Legal Theory - 6th Ed. - Lucknow: EBC, 2023 - 702p. xxxii; 24cm

1. Nature and scope of Jurisprudence 2. The nature of Law 3. Kinds of law 4. Law and Moral 5.State and Sovereignty 6. Administration of Justice 7. Sources of Law 8. Legislation 9. Precedent 10. Custom 11. Legal Rights and Duties 12.Ownership and Possession 13. Persons 14.Title 15.Liability 16. Law of Property 17.Law of Obligations 18. Law of Procedure 19. Analytical Legal Positivitism 20. Pure theory of Law 21. Historical School of Law 22. Philosophical School of Law 23. Sociological School 24. American Realism 25. The Scandinavian Realists 26. Nature Law 27. Feminist Movement -Protection and Enforcement of Women's Rights



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