Gottschalk, Petter, 1950-

Convenience dynamics and white-collar crime / Petter Gottschalk. - 1 online resource

"This book introduces a dynamic perspective to study white-collar crime. It argues that as personal motives change over time, so too do organizational opportunities, and willingness for deviant behaviour. The work contends that the extent of white-collar crime is dependent on the extent of crime convenience perceived and preferred by potential offenders. It discusses how potential white-collar offenders expand organizational opportunities for financial crime over time. The dynamics are illustrated here by system dynamics models to capture cause and effect relationships. The book also presents a new structural model illustrating the elements of convenience theory along with a new dynamic model illustrating the evolution of white-collar crime. The practical aspects are illustrated with a number of case studies"--

9781003089155 1003089151 9781000178579 1000178579 9781000178548 1000178544 9781000178517 100017851X

White collar crimes.
Criminal behavior.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Business Ethics
LAW / General

