New Aspiration New Approches/ The Jaintias of Meghalaya
Melvil Pereira,et al,
- Guwahati: NESRC, 2020
- xiv, 226p., 22cm,
Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Meghalaya an overview 1.2.Jaintias 1.3.Significance,Methodology and details of the study Chapter 2: The respondents and their Households 2.1Demorgraphic Data 2.2Sex Ratio 2.3Women's Education 2.4Occupation and Women 2.5Conclusion Chapter 3: Women's role with the family 3.1Domestic Duties 3.2 Responsibilities of Caregiving 3.3Decission on Family Matters 3.4 Conclusion Chapter 4: Participation in economic Activities 4.1Agriculture 4.2Handicraft Production 4.3Decission concerning Money 4.4 Conclusion Chapter 5: Marriage ,Divorce and Maintenance 5.1Customs and marriage 5.2Customs and Divorce 5.3 Conclusion Chapter 6: Property and Inheritance 6.1 Immovable Property 6.2 Moveable property 6.3Changes in inheritance Law 6.4Conclusion Chapter 7: Political rights and Participation 7.1Traditional Political Institutions 7.2Modern Political Institutions 7.3 Perceptions of Women in Politics 7.4 Conclusion Chapter 8: Religious Role and Representation 8.1Religious Demographics 8.2Gendering the Supernatural 8.3Roles of Women in Religious Rituals 8.4Taboors 8.5The States of Equality and Recent Changes 8.6Conclusion Chapter 9: Customary Laws and Governance 9.1The Popularity of Customary Law 9.2Conflict Resolution and Women 9.3Changes of Yesterday and Tomorrow 9.4Conclusion Section III: Looking Ahead Chapter 10: Current Trends and Opportunities 10.1Access to Education 10.2Entering the Job Market 10.3Perception of Gender Equality 10.4Conclusion Chapter 11: Closing Remarks 11.1Summary 11.2Finding 11.3Recommendations 11.4Conclusion References Index