Sarkar, S.C.

Commentary on: The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 Vol.2 : Sec 156 to 339 - 4th Ed. - Allahabad: Dwivedi Law Agency, 2015 - 1272p. cxxiv; 22cm

Chapter- XIII
Jurisdiction of the Criminal Courts in Inquiries and Trials
Chapter- XIV
Condition Requisite for Initiation of Proceedings
Chapter- XV
Complaints to Magistrate
Chapter- XVI
Commencements of Proceedings before Magistrate
Chapter- XVII
The Charge
A- Form of Charges
B- Joinder of Charges
Chapter- XVIII
Trial before A Court of Session
Chapter- XIX
Trial of Warrant-Cases by Magistrate
A- Cases instituted on a Police Report
B- Cases instituted otherwise than on Police Report
C- Conclusion of Trial
Chapter- XX
Trial of Summons Cases by magistrates
Chapter- XXI
Summary Trials
Chapter- XXIA
Plea Bargaining
Chapter- XXII
Attendance of Persons Confined or Detained in Prisons
Chapter- XXIII
Evidence in Inquiries and Trials
A- Mode of taking and recording evidence
B- Commission for the examination of witnesses
Chapter- XXIV
General provisions as to Inquiries and Trials
Chapter- XXV
Provision as to Accused Persons of Unsound Mind



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