
North-Eastern Region Local Acts And Rules Vol.9: Fire to Freedom/ - 3rd Edition - New Delhi India Law House 1995-98 - 770p. xvi; 24cm

1. Fire Service Act, 1992 (Manipur).
2. Fishery Rules.
3. Fishery Subsidy to Private Fish Farmers and Piscicultural Society Rules, 1971 (Assam).
4. Fishery Act, 1988 (Manipur).
5. Private Fisheries Protection Act, 1889.
6. Fishery Rules, 1979 (Manipur).
7. Fisheries (Welfare of Fishermen) Rules, 1987 (Meghalaya).
8. Grant-in-aid to Private Fish Farmers and Piscicultural Societies Rules 1986 (Meghalaya).
9. Grant-in-Aid to Private Fish Farmers Piscicultural Societies Rules, 1986 (Meghalaya).
10. Fisheries Act, 1980 (Nagaland).
11. Fisheries Act, 1953 (Garo Hills).
12. Fisheries Act, 1953 (Lushai Hills District).
13. Fixation of Ceiling on Land Holdings Act, 1956 (Assam).
14. Fixation of Ceiling on Land Holdings Rules, 1957 (Assam).
15. Foodgrains (Licensing and Control) Order, 1961 (Assam).
16. Foodgrains (Licensing and Control) (Second Amendment) Order, 1973 (Assam).
17. Foodgrains (Licensing and Control) (Third Amendment) Order, 1973 (Assam).
18. Foodstuffs (Prohibition of Withholding from Sale) Control Order, 1969 (Assam).
19. Foodstuffs (Distribution) Control Order, 1958 (Assam).
20. Food (Restrictions on Service of Meals by Catering Establishments) Order, 1966 (Assam).
21. Foodstuff (Distribution) Control Order, 1980 (Arunachal Pradesh).
22. Foodgrains (Licensing and Control) Order, 1975 (Arunachal Pradesh).
23. Foodstuff (hoarding and Profiteering) Control Order, 1975 (Arunachal Pradesh).
24. Foodgrains (Licensing and Control) Order, 1972 (Meghalaya).
25. Foodstuff (Distribution) Control Order, 1972 (Meghalaya).
26. Foodstuffs (Prohibition of Withholding from Sale) Control Order, 1972 (Meghalaya).
27. Food Restrictions on Service of Meals by Catering Establishments Order, 1973 (Mizoram).
28. Foodstuff Dealer's Licensing Order, 1958 (Tripura).
29. Foodgrains (Storage and Sale Prohibition) Order, 1965 (Tripura).
30. Foodgrains Dealers' Licensing Order,1964 (Tripura).
31. Declaration of Foodgrains Order, 1979 (Tripura).
32. Foodgrains (Distribution) Control order, 1972 (Tripura).
33. Food (Restrictions on Service of Meals by Catering Establishment) Order, 1973 (Tripura).
34. Baby Food (Control of Price) Order, 1966.
35. Coffee Estates Owner Registration Rules, 1984 (Nagaland).
36. Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1983 (Nagaland).
37. Forest Regulation, 1891 (Assam).
38. General Rules Framed under the Assam Forest Regulation Having the Force of Law.
39. Rules Having the Force of Law and Executive Orders Relating to Forest.
40. Rules and Orders in Force in Certain Districts.
41. Settlement of Forest Coupes and Mahals by Tender System Rules, 1967 (Assam).
42. sale of Forest Produce, Coupes and Mahals Rules, 1977 (Assam).
43. Forest Authority Act, 1991 (Meghalaya).
44. Professions, Trades, calling and Employments Taxation (Amendment) Act, 1991 (Meghalaya).
45. Forest Regulation (Application and Amendment) Act, (Meghalaya).


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