Development vs Displacement of Tribal People in India: Problems and Prospects/ edited by R.C.Pandit - New Delhi: 2009 - 238p,; vi, 22cm.

1. Tribal Displacement and Deprivation in India.
2. A Review of Industrial Development and Displacement of Tribals (from KBK to Kalinganagar).
3. Development and Displacement of Tribals in India.
4. Development: Induced Displacement.
5. Industrial Development and Displacement of Tribes in Orissa.
6. Development Induced Displacement and Rehabilitation Programmes in Orissa: A Study.
7. Impact of Displacement on the Socio-Economic Life of Tribals.
8. Development Induced Displacement: A Study of NALCO, Damonjodi, Orissa.
9. Development Induced Displacement of Tribals in Orissa on the Problems of Rehabilitation and Resettlement.
10. Development Driven Displacement and Gun-Culture in Tribal India.
11. Displacement for Development: Issues Need to be Scrutinized.
12. Development Versus Displacement in Orissa.
13. Tribal Displacement: A Prelude to Mass Resentment.
14. Displacing the Tribals: A Crisis in Development.
15. Land Acquisition, Displacement and Tribes: A Study of Orissa.
16. Development Induced Displacement of Tribals in Orissa.
17. A Study of Displacement, Rehabilitation and Resettlement of Tribals in India.
18. Displacement of Tribals: An Unresolved Issue and Persisting Problem in India.
19. Displacement of Tribals: It's Legal Perspective.
20. Issues of Livelihood and Displacement in Tribal Regions of Orissa: A Case Study.
21. Special Economic Zone and Tribal Displacement: An Outlook.


Tribal development--India
India--Scheduled tribes
Tribal displacement--India

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