Privy Council Judgements on Indian Cases Prior to 1836
edited by; Tapas Kumar Banerjee
- Kolkata: R. Cambray & Co. Pvt. Ltd, 2009.
- 331p,; 24cm.
CONTENTS 1. Capture of Chinsurah 2. In The Justice of The Supreme Court of Judicature 3. Ramtonoo Mullick, Ramconnai Mullick and Others v Ramgopal Mullick and Amrutton Mullick 4. Lewis Owen Edwards v Howard Ronald, George Dickson and Thomas Learmouth 5. The Hon. Mountstuart Elphinstone and Henry Dundas Robertson v Heerachund Bedreechund and Jelmel anoopchund, Executor of Ammerchund Berdachund 6. Luximon Row Sadasew v Mullar Row Bajee 7. Case of the army of the Deccan 8 Raja Haimum Chull Singh v Koomer Gunsheam Singh 9. George James Gordon, Executor of Futteh Yap Khan v Khaujesh Abu Moohammud Khan and Others 10. Gopee Mohun Takoor and Others v Rajah Radhanad 11. The Bank of Bengal v The East India Company 12. Baboo Benee Suhee and Baboo Madho Suhee,...... 13. Raja Row Vacata Niladry Row v Enoogooty Soriah and ramaniah 14. Baboo Ulruck Singh Son of Roop Singh v Beny Persad, Son Of Seeta Ram Bahoo 15. Sootrugun Sutputty v Sabitra Dye 16. Raja Row Vencata Niladry Row v Vutchavoy Vencataputty Raz 17. Sumboochunder Chowdry, Son of Shamsunder....... 18. Pooneakhoty Modeliar v The King 19. Rajudernarain Rae and Choowor Mohundernarain Rae...... 20. The Queen, on the Prosecution of the Bombay...... 21. In The William Patrick Grant 22. Ramchurn Mullick v Luchmeechund Radakissen and Gonid Doss 23. Peter Clarkson Reed v Sreemutty Gourmoney Dasee 24. The Secretary of Council of India v Kamachee Boye Sahaba 25. Ko Khine and Others v Richards Snadden 26. Ex Parte kisto Nauth Roy in the Matter of Mussumat Ranee Surno Moyee v Shooshee Mokhee Burmonia and Others 27. Mussumat Fanny Barlow v Sophia Eveline Orde and Others