Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation: With an Introduction by Prof. (Dr.) Ranbir Singh Vice Chancellor, National Law University, Delhi/
By Bentham.
- 1st Ed.
- Delhi: Law & Justice Publishing Co, 2021
- 241p. xxii; 20cm
CONTENTS 1. Of the principle of Utility 2. Of Principles Adverse to that of Utility 3. Of the four Sanctions or Sources of Pain and Pleasure 4. Value of a Lot of Pleasure or Pain, How to be Measured 5. Pleasure and pain, Their Kinds 6.Of Circumstances Influencing Sensibility 7. Of Human Actions in General 8. Of Intentionality 9 Of consciousness 10. Of Motives 11. Of Human Dispositions in General 12.Of the consequences of a mischievous Act 13. Ccaser unmeet for punsihment 14. Of the proportion between Punishments and Offences 15. Of the proportion to be given to a lot of Punishment 16. Division of Offences 17. Of the limits of the Penal Branch pf Jurisprudencece