Nath, Kaju

Economics of Fisheries in North East India: Opportunities and Challenges / by Kaju Nath - New Delhi: 2016. - 168p,; xxiv, 22cm.

1. Introduction, 2. Productivity, Resource Use Efficiency, Livelihood Options and Marketing in Fisheries: An Overview of Literatures, 3. Fisheries in India, North Eastern Region of India and Arunachal Pradesh, 4. Socio-Economic Characteristics, Livelihood Linkages of Surveyed Fish Farmers and Operational Features of Sampled Ponds, 5. Productivity, Resource Use Efficiency and Marketing 79-95 Structure (A Quantitative Analysis), 6. Constraints for Adoption of Fish Farming and Evaluation of Government Policies Regarding Fisheries, 7. Principal Findings and Policy implications.
It Includes Appendix, Bibliography & Index.


Economics--Fisheries--Northeast India

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