Fletcher, William Meade.

Fletcher Cyclopedia of The Law of Corporations Volume 4: Chap.12 Secs. 1360-1995, Subscriptions to Capital Stock/ By William Meade Fletcher. - 2022 - USA: Thomson Reuters, 2009. - 866P;, xxxv, 25cm.

Chapter 12: Subscriptions to Capital Stock.
I. General Considerations.
II. Nature of and What Constitutes a Subscription.
III. Who May Subscribe.
IV. Creation and Validity of Subscription Agreement.
V. Form, Contents and Constitution of Subscription.
VI. Who May Receive Subscriptions and Scope of Theor Authority.
VII. Subscriptions upon Conditions Precedent.
VIII. Subscriptions upon Special Terms or Conditions Subsequent.
IX. Subscription to all or a Percentage of the Corporate Stock as Condition.
X. Payments on Subscriptions as Conditions Precedent.
XI. Transfer or Subscriptions.
XII. Fraud Inducing Subscription.
XIII. Withdrawal or Revocation of Subscription Without Cause.
XIV. Release of Subscription by Mutual Agreement.
XV. Discharge of Subscriber by Personal Acts, Omissions, or Conditions.
XVI. Discharge of Subscriber by Operation of Law or by Acts or Omissions of Corporation.
XVII. Discharge of Subscriber by Acts or Omissions of Third Persons.
XVIII. Calls on Unpaid Subscriptions.
XIX. Remedies of Corporation Against Subscriber.
XX. Interest, penalties and Liquidated Damages.
XXI. Defenses to Enforcement of Subscriptions
XXII. Remedies of Subscriber.
XXIII. Estoppel.
XXIV. Proof of Subscriptions.

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