Fletcher, William Meade.

Fletcher Cyclopedia of The Law of Corporations Volume 3(A): Chap.11 Secs. 1029-1359, Directors officers Agents/ By William Meade Fletcher. - 2019 - USA: Thomson Reuters, 2009. - 776P;, xxiv, 25cm.

Chapter 11: Directors, Other Officers and Agents (Continued).
XXVII. General Duties and Liabilities of Directors or Officers Connected with Management of Corporation (Continued).
XXVIII. Liability of Directors and Officers on Corporate and Contracts or for Debts of the Corporation.
XXIX. Liability of Directors and Officers to Third Persons for Torts.
XXX. Common Law Duties and Liabilities of Directors and Officers When Buying or Selling Shareholders Stock.
XXXI. Liability of Directors and Officers to Creditors of Corporation Independent of Statute.
XXXII. Statutory Liability.
XXXIII. Practice and Procedure in Actions to Enforce Common-Law and Statutory Liability of Directors and Other officers.
XXXIV. Crimes, Prosecution and Penalties.

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