Fletcher, William Meade.

Fletcher Cyclopedia of The Law of Corporations Volume 1(A): Chaps.3-10 Secs. 69-264, Incorporators Objects and Purposes Power to Create Corporations Incorporation Under General Laws Incorporation Under Special Acts Articles of Incorporation Promotes Underwriting/ By William Meade Fletcher. - 2018 - USA: Thomson Reuters, 2009. - 612P;, xxi, 25cm.

Chapter 3: Classification and Kinds of Corporations (Continued).
Chapter 4: Incorporators and Their Qualifications.
Chapter 5: objects and Purposes of Incorporation.
Chapter 6: Power to Create Corporations.
Chapter 7: Incorporation or Creation Under General Laws.
Chapter 8: Incorporation or Creation Under Special Acts.
Chapter 9: Promotion of Corporations.
Chapter 10: Underwriters and Underwriting Agreements.

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