Restatement of the Law Property Wills and Other Donative Transfers Volume 1: 1.1-5.5 Tables and Index/
As Adopted and Promulgated by the American Law Institute at Washington, D.C. May 12,1998
- St. Paul, Minn: American Law Institute, 1999.
- 500P;, xxiv, 26cm.
DIVISION 1 PROBATE TRANSFER (WILLS AND INTESTACY) Chapter 1: Definitions and Basic Principles. Chapter 2: Intestacy. Chapter 3: Execution of Wills. Chapter 4: Revocation of Wills. Chapter 5: Post-Execution Events Affecting Wills.
Includes table of Cases, table of Statutes, Parallel Table Showing Corresponding Restatement Third and Restatement Second Section Numbers, Table of Cross Reference to Digest System Key Number and ALR Annotations and Index.