Chakrabarti, N.K

Principles of Criminology Criminal Law and Investigation Vol.1 - 4th Ed. - Kolkata: S.C Sarkar, 2018 - 542p. 22cm

Chapter- 1
Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice System in India.
Chapter- 2
Theoretical Explanations of Crime Causation.
Chapter- 3
Theories and Forms of Punishment.
Chapter- 4
From 'Jails' to Correctional Homes.
Chapter- 5
Correctional Administration (Admonition, Probation, Parole and Juvenile Justice).
Chapter- 6
Victimology and Victim Justice.
Chapter- 7
Detection & Investigation of Crime & Criminals- Modus Operandi.
Chapter- 8
Detection & Investigation of Crime & Criminals- Employment of Sources.
Chapter- 9
Inter-State Crime and Criminals
Part- A: The International Criminal
Part- B: The Inter- Provisional Criminal
Chapter- 10
Crime Investigation and Scientific Techniques.

Criminal Law

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