Fernandes, W. et al.

Development Dilemma: Displacement in Meghalaya 1947-2010/ by Walter Fernandes et al. - Guwahati: North Eastern Social Research Centre (NESRC), 2016. - 396p;, xi, 15 cm.

1. Displacement and the Development Paradigm.
2. The Methodology of the Study.
3. An Overview of Meghalaya and the Nature of its Development.
4. Deprivation by Water Resource, Industrial, Mining and Non-Hydro Power Projects.
5. Land Use and Deprivation by Defence and Infrastructure Development.
6. Environment Protection, Farms and Fisheries, Human Resource.
7. Total Land, DP-PAPs, Compensation, Resettlement & the Future.
8. The Respondents' Background.
9. The Process and Impact of Displacement and Deprivation.
10. Impacts of Mining in Meghalaya.
11. Conclusion: Search for an Inclusive Development Paradigm.


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