Lenoir, Virgil Cristian,

Ethically structured processes : thinking world-scale responsibility / Virgil Cristian Lenoir. - 1 online resource (1 volume) - Interdisciplinarity, science and humanities series. Innovation and responsibility set ; volume 4 . - Interdisciplinarity, science and humanities series. Innovation and responsibility set ; v. 4. .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Part One: Ambiguity and Responsibility; Chap. 1: the possible and the necessary; Chap. 2: figures of the predetermination; Chap. 3: a processual effectiveness; Chap. 4: universality and responsibility; ; Part Two: Responsibility for a Meeting: China; Chap. 5: Methodological considerations; Chap. 6: Four ethical trials; Chap. 7: Obstacles to such an ethical consideration of trials; Chap. 8: Christianity and Trials; ; Part Three: Demystifying the Invisible Hand; Chap. 9: Mythology and Ideology; Chap. 10: The Legacy of a Providence; Chap. 11: Thought of the Trial and Hand Invisible; Chap. 12: Towards a Responsibility-World

9781119616177 1119616174 9781119616061 1119616069

9781119616177 Wiley

GBB986586 bnb

019384014 Uk

ethics (philosophy)
PHILOSOPHY--Ethics & Moral Philosophy.
