Social Science Researches in North East India: Challenges and Pathways/
edited by SVD, Jose K and Das, B
- Guwahati: DVS Publisher, 2017
- 327p,; 22cm.
I. Introduction: Contemporary Social Science Researches. II. Sociological Research in North East India Since 1970's. III. (Re) Crafting a Social Science Research: An Eastern Perspective. IV. Researches in Sociology: Trends, Challenges and Pathways. V. Anthropological Research on the Indigenous People of North East India. VI. Structuring Prehistory and Identifying Research Priorities: Manipur in Perspective. VII. Participatory Action Research- A Critical Pedagogy. VIII. A Brief Review of Physical Anthropology in North East India. IX. Physical Anthropology: It's Transformation from Descriptive to Analytical. X. Folklore Research Perspective in North East India. XI. Social Science and Sociology- A Quest for Sociology in Tripura. XII. Anthropological Researches: A Reference to Tribal Studies in Tripura. XIII. Possibilities of Vital Anthropological Researches in Tripura: A Road Map. XIV. Lingering Behind the Hazes: Teaching and Researching Anthropology in Arunachal Pradesh. XV. People, Societies, and Culture in Meghalaya: A Review of Anthropological Researches from the Beginning to Recent Times. XVI. Post Script: Envisioning Social Science Researches: Critical Contexts, Complex and Challenging Concepts.