Bailout riches! : how everyday investors can make a fortune buying bad loans for pennies on the dollar /
Bill Bartmann with Jonathan Rozek.
- Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley, �2009.
- 1 online resource (vii, 229 pages)
Includes index.
Bailout Riches! How Everyday Investors Can Make a Fortune Buying Bad Loans for Pennies on the Dollar; Contents; Chapter 1: I've Seen This Movie Before, and Know How It Ends: I Make a Billion Dollars; Chapter 2: Realize the Opportunity; Chapter 3: Understand That You Can Take Advantage of It, Regardless of Your Circumstances; Chapter 4: How to Find Good Deals, Part One; Chapter 5: How to Find Good Deals, Part Two; Chapter 6: How to Review a Loan Portfolio; Chapter 7: How to Make a Portfolio Offer and Finance It; Chapter 8: How to Manage Your Portfolio.
What is the investment opportunity from America's financial crisis? Somewhere north of one trillion dollars of debt--mortgages, credit cards, and other forms--will be written off and sold to buyers at pennies on the dollar. It gets even better: There are ways to buy that debt with no money of your own. Society's collective pain from this crisis means that it's unlikely to occur ever again on this scale. Investors with the right roadmap are poised to profit spectacularly. Bartmann lays out a step by step plan on how to find the best deals from the federal government, local Financial Institution.