1. Different Types of Business for Women Entrepreneurs in Manipur
2. Rural Women Entrepreneurs in NC Hills on Various Livelihoods Activities
3. A way forward for Women Entrepreneurs in North East
4. Women Entrepreneurship in the Rural North East Vis-A-VisDairying
5. Women Entrepreneurship and Its Opportunities in Manipur
6. Constraints in Women Entrepreneurship Development in Rural North East India
7. Role of Women Entrepreneurs in The Socio-Economic Development of North Eastern Region
8. Women of Meghalaya in Horticulture Business: The Ri Bhoi Experience
9. Entrepreneurship Development of Rural Women in Meghalaya
10. The Socio-Economic Relevance of Women Entrepreneurship in Manipur
11. Role of NEDFi in Developing Women Entrepreneurs in North East
12. Types of Business the Northeast Women Are Engaged in for Their Livelihood
13. Problems and Prospects of Women Entrepreneurs in Manipur
14. Conclusion with Recommendations
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