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Quality of Higher Education in North East India/

Quality of Higher Education in North East India/ edited by Brinda Bazeley Kharbirymbai & Cremlimon Nongbri - Guwahati: EBH Publishers, 2018. - 342p,; xxxiii, 24cm.


1. Ph D Course Work: A Quality Concern.
2. Attitude of college students towards Privatisation of Higher Education.
3. Quality Teaching in Higher Education: A Review of Research Studies.
4. Issues and prospects of Higher Medical & Technical Education from the Perspective of Quality Human Resources in Hospitals.
5. Competency-Based Teacher Education- A Step towards Quality Education.
6. Literacy and Economic Development: A study of Kenya.
7. A study of the problem faced by the students of higher education in Assam with special reference to Kamrup metro.
8. Teacher Education in Nagaland.
9. A comparative study on the status of higher education between urban and rural areas of India with references to Lakhimpur district, Assam.
10. Achievements motivation and Academic Achievement among College students of Shillong.
11. Issues and challenges of Higher Education with special reference to Assam.
12. Teacher Quality in Higher Education: The Need of the Hour.
13. Higher Education in Nagaland.
14. Study on Social Maturity in relation to their Academic achievement of college students of West Garo Hills in Meghalaya.
15. The Role of Women in Higher Education in Kenya: Challenges
16. Values are caught not taught: innovative practices in value education: A case study of Saint Claret College, Ziro, Arunachal.
17. Status of women in higher education and their role and contribution towards the family and the society- A study among Dimasa women.
18. Women in higher education with special reference to the universities of Assam.
19. Perception of Rural students' on Accounting Education and research offering by the universities: A study on Curriculum of Gauhati University.
20. Challenges and Strategies of Higher Education in semi-rural and North-Eastern Region.
21. Women in higher education.
22. Impact of Organizational Climate on the Professionalism Practices Adopted by Women Teacher Professionals.
23. Women in Higher Education with special reference to Janata College, Serfanguri-Kokrajhar of BTAD Assam.
24. Financing of Education in India: an analysis of Indian Higher Education.
25. Cooperative Learning and its Effects on Self-Concepts of Pre-Service Teacher Trainees of Secondary Level.
26. A Review on the Relevance of Life Skills Education for College Students.
27. Higher Education in India: Issues and Problems.
28. Role of IGNOU Regional Centre Shillong towards Higher Education.
29. RUSA- For quality higher education in India.
30. A Study of the Organizational Climate of DIETs in Meghalaya.
31. S study on the usage and views of PG students on ICTs' in the higher education.
32. Use of Media Technologies in Distance Learning: A study of KKHSOU.
33. ICT in higher education.
34. Quality in higher education through innovative teaching strategies.
35. Breaking Barriers in Higher Education: An ODL experience.
36. Impact of information communication technology on the professional competencies of teacher educators in andhra university area.
37. Problems of University students in North-Eastern Hill University.

Includes List of Tables, List of Contributors & Index


Education, Higher-India, Northeastern

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