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Ownership, Management and Alienation : Tribal Land in Northeast India /

Fernandes, Walter

Ownership, Management and Alienation : Tribal Land in Northeast India / by Walter Fernandes, Joydeep Baruah, Augustin Millik. - Guwahati: North Eastern Social Research Centre, Omeo Kumar Das Institute of Social Change and Development 2019 - 174 p.; vi, 22cm.

1. Acknowledgement.
2. List of Tables.
3. Land, Sustenance and Identity.
4. The Methodology of the Study.
5. The Socio-Demographic Characteristics of the Respondents.
6. Traditional Land Management Systems.
7. Changing Ownership and Land Use.
8. The Extent and Process of Land Alienation.
9. Conclusion: Towards the Future.
10. References.
11. Index.
12. Publication of NESRC.


Land tenure-India-Northeastern
Tribes-Government policy-India-Northeastern

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