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Company law : a real entity theory /

Micheler, Eva,

Company law : a real entity theory / Eva Micheler. - First edition. - 1 online resource (320 pages). - Oxford scholarship online . - Oxford scholarship online. .

This edition also issued in print: 2021.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

This title advances a real entity theory of company law, in which the company is a legal entity which acts autonomously in law, and company law establishes procedures facilitating autonomous organisational decision-making. The theory builds on the insight that organisations or firms are a social phenomenon outside of the law and that these are autonomous actors in their own right. They are more than the sum of the contributions of their participants and they act independently of the views and interests of their participants. This occurs because human beings change their behaviour when they act as members of a group or an organisation; in a group we tend to develop and conform to a shared standard, and when we act in organisations habits, routines, processes, and procedures form and a culture emerges. These take on a life of their own affecting the behaviour of the participants.


9780191890987 (ebook) : No price

Corporation law.
Organizational behavior.
Corporations--Investor relations.


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