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Traces of terror : counter-terrorism law, policing, and race /

Sentas, Victoria,

Traces of terror : counter-terrorism law, policing, and race / Victoria Sentas. - 1 online resource. - Clarendon studies in criminology . - Clarendon studies in criminology. .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Based on field work in Australia, this book investigates the effects of counter-terrorism law and policing on Muslim, Somali, Turkish Kurds and Sri Lankan Tamil communities. Drawing together in-depth interviews with members of Victoria Police and those who are being policed, participant observations of community forums, and a detailed investigation of government and police policy, legislation and case law, the author explains how processes of criminalisation and racialisation are sustained.

9780191772870 (ebook) : No price

Terrorism--Prevention--Law and legislation.


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