NLU Meghalaya Library

Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)

Cases on Muslim law of India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh /

Serajuddin, Alamgir Muhammad,

Cases on Muslim law of India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh / Alamgir Muhammad Serajuddin. - First edition. - 1 online resource

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Muslim law is an integral part of South Asian legal system; and case law plays a major role in its interpretation, application and development. This book provides readers, by a judicious selection of principal judicial decisions, with an adequate number of fact situations and gives them a clear idea of the basic principles and rules of this law and their application by the courts.

9780199085460 (ebook) : No price

Islamic law--India--Cases.
Islamic law--Pakistan--cases.
Islamic law--Bangladesh--Cases.


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