The Oxford handbook of entrepreneurship and collaboration /
The Oxford handbook of entrepreneurship and collaboration /
Entrepreneurship and collaboration
edited by Jeffrey J. Reuer, Sharon F. Matusik, and Jessica Jones.
- 1 online resource.
- Oxford handbooks online .
- Oxford handbooks online. .
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Inter-Organizational Collaboration and Start-Up Innovation / Collaboration and Intellectual Property: Strategies for Navigating Fragmented Property Rights / The Role of Heuristics in Alliance Collaboration for Entrepreneurial Firms / Avoiding Collaboration Stalemates in Technology Commercialization / Collaborating for Innovation: The Role of Organizational Complementarities / The Communicative Constitution of Entrepreneurship / Collaborating with Larger Partners: Benefits and Risks for Entrepreneurial Firms / Why Do Small Firms Benefit Less from Alliances than Large Firms? / Types of Spin-Out Firms and Collaborations with Parent Organizations / An Intentions-Based Model of Entrepreneurs' Prosocial Behavior: Why Entrepreneurs May Be Exceptionally Generous / The Crowdfunding Paradigm: An Exploration of Founder-Funder Dynamics and Their Implications for Capability Development and Long Term Success / Coordination Frictions in Venture Capital Syndicates / Collaborative Market Making: The Critical Role of Dyadic and Multi-Partner Alliances in the Formation of New Markets / The Effects of Venture Capital Firms on Entrepreneurial Firms' Strategic Alliances and Liquidity Events / Microfoundations of Collaboration in Entrepreneurship / The Paradox of Control Through Collaboration in Effectual Entrepreneurship / Community Social Capital and the Venture Gestation Process / Temporality and Collaboration in Entrepreneurial Ownership and Finance / The Contingent Effect of Team Composition on the Performance of Entrepreneurial Teams / Asymmetric Partnerships: Formation, Process Dynamics, and Firm Performance / Collaboration in Entrepreneurial Finance / Collaboration in Business Model Innovation / Startups' Exit Strategies in the Market for Technology: When to Pull the Plug / Entrepreneurship Through Mergers and Alliances: Schumpeter Remixed / Amphibious Entrepreneurs and the Origins of Invention / Collaboration Among Silicon Valley Venture Capitalists / Collaboration Inside the Firm: Founders and Managers of Entrepreneurial Ventures / The Interplay of Entrepreneurship and Collaboration / Dynamic Networking by Entrepreneurs: Collaborative Efforts in Developing Opportunities and Mobilizing Resources / Institutions and The Embedded Entrepreneur / Entrepreneurial Team Assembly: Knowledge Transfer, Customer Transfer, and Matching Models / Family Founding Teams, Internal and External Collaboration, and New Venture Growth / Social Relations and the Performance of Different Startup Types: The Networks Don't Lie / Vikas Aggarwal, Andy Wu -- Michael B. Heeley, David R. King -- William Hesterly, Jenny Su Bing Smith -- Phillip H. Kim, Manuel F. Ramâirez, Reddi Kotha -- Peter G. Klein, Mark D. Packard, Karen Schnatterly -- Timothy Kuhn, Dana Marshall -- Christian Lechner, Birthe Soppe, Karolina Heggli -- Michael J. Leiblein, Jeffrey T. Macher, Tiberiu S. Ungureanu -- Vilma Chila, Xavier Martin -- Robert A. Baron, Keith M. Hmieleski -- Sharon F. Matusik, Jessica Jones -- Ramana Nanda, Matthew Rhodes-Kropf -- Pinar Ozcan, Kerem Gurses -- Roberto Ragozzino -- Carlo Salvato -- Saras Sarasvathy, Nicholas Dew -- Siddharth Vedula, Casey J. Frid -- Mike Wright -- Serghei Musaji, Julio De Castro -- Jiang Bian, Riitta Katila -- Douglas Cumming, Sofia Johan, Yelin Zhang -- Raphael Amit, Xu Han, Christoph Zott -- Hakki Doğan Dalay, Andrea Fosfuri -- Benjamin Gomes-Casseres -- Kurt Sandholtz, Walter W. Powell -- Lyda Bigelow, Jennifer Kuan, Kyle Mayer -- Elena Kulchina -- Jeffrey J. Reuer, Sharon F. Matusik, Jessica Jones -- Tom Elfring, Willem Hulsink -- Maryann Feldman, Paige Clayton -- Martin Ganco, Florence Honorâe, Joseph Raffiee -- Suho Han, Sae Young Lee, Melissa E. Graebner -- Jason Greenberg.
Organisational collaboration has played an important role in the field of strategic management in the last couple of decades. Though the importance of collaboration to entrepreneurship might seem apparent, research on it is distributed across multiple contexts, theoretical perspectives, and units of analysis. The aim of this volume is to highlight this diversity and emphasise the important roles that collaboration plays in value creation, resource acquisition, and the development of entrepreneurial ventures. Interorganisational collaboration involves two or more independent organisations working together under an incomplete contract to accomplish certain objectives. These collaborations might take many forms, ranging from relatively informal or narrow-scope exchanges to equity partnerships.
9780190633912 (ebook) : No price
HB615 / .O944 2019
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Inter-Organizational Collaboration and Start-Up Innovation / Collaboration and Intellectual Property: Strategies for Navigating Fragmented Property Rights / The Role of Heuristics in Alliance Collaboration for Entrepreneurial Firms / Avoiding Collaboration Stalemates in Technology Commercialization / Collaborating for Innovation: The Role of Organizational Complementarities / The Communicative Constitution of Entrepreneurship / Collaborating with Larger Partners: Benefits and Risks for Entrepreneurial Firms / Why Do Small Firms Benefit Less from Alliances than Large Firms? / Types of Spin-Out Firms and Collaborations with Parent Organizations / An Intentions-Based Model of Entrepreneurs' Prosocial Behavior: Why Entrepreneurs May Be Exceptionally Generous / The Crowdfunding Paradigm: An Exploration of Founder-Funder Dynamics and Their Implications for Capability Development and Long Term Success / Coordination Frictions in Venture Capital Syndicates / Collaborative Market Making: The Critical Role of Dyadic and Multi-Partner Alliances in the Formation of New Markets / The Effects of Venture Capital Firms on Entrepreneurial Firms' Strategic Alliances and Liquidity Events / Microfoundations of Collaboration in Entrepreneurship / The Paradox of Control Through Collaboration in Effectual Entrepreneurship / Community Social Capital and the Venture Gestation Process / Temporality and Collaboration in Entrepreneurial Ownership and Finance / The Contingent Effect of Team Composition on the Performance of Entrepreneurial Teams / Asymmetric Partnerships: Formation, Process Dynamics, and Firm Performance / Collaboration in Entrepreneurial Finance / Collaboration in Business Model Innovation / Startups' Exit Strategies in the Market for Technology: When to Pull the Plug / Entrepreneurship Through Mergers and Alliances: Schumpeter Remixed / Amphibious Entrepreneurs and the Origins of Invention / Collaboration Among Silicon Valley Venture Capitalists / Collaboration Inside the Firm: Founders and Managers of Entrepreneurial Ventures / The Interplay of Entrepreneurship and Collaboration / Dynamic Networking by Entrepreneurs: Collaborative Efforts in Developing Opportunities and Mobilizing Resources / Institutions and The Embedded Entrepreneur / Entrepreneurial Team Assembly: Knowledge Transfer, Customer Transfer, and Matching Models / Family Founding Teams, Internal and External Collaboration, and New Venture Growth / Social Relations and the Performance of Different Startup Types: The Networks Don't Lie / Vikas Aggarwal, Andy Wu -- Michael B. Heeley, David R. King -- William Hesterly, Jenny Su Bing Smith -- Phillip H. Kim, Manuel F. Ramâirez, Reddi Kotha -- Peter G. Klein, Mark D. Packard, Karen Schnatterly -- Timothy Kuhn, Dana Marshall -- Christian Lechner, Birthe Soppe, Karolina Heggli -- Michael J. Leiblein, Jeffrey T. Macher, Tiberiu S. Ungureanu -- Vilma Chila, Xavier Martin -- Robert A. Baron, Keith M. Hmieleski -- Sharon F. Matusik, Jessica Jones -- Ramana Nanda, Matthew Rhodes-Kropf -- Pinar Ozcan, Kerem Gurses -- Roberto Ragozzino -- Carlo Salvato -- Saras Sarasvathy, Nicholas Dew -- Siddharth Vedula, Casey J. Frid -- Mike Wright -- Serghei Musaji, Julio De Castro -- Jiang Bian, Riitta Katila -- Douglas Cumming, Sofia Johan, Yelin Zhang -- Raphael Amit, Xu Han, Christoph Zott -- Hakki Doğan Dalay, Andrea Fosfuri -- Benjamin Gomes-Casseres -- Kurt Sandholtz, Walter W. Powell -- Lyda Bigelow, Jennifer Kuan, Kyle Mayer -- Elena Kulchina -- Jeffrey J. Reuer, Sharon F. Matusik, Jessica Jones -- Tom Elfring, Willem Hulsink -- Maryann Feldman, Paige Clayton -- Martin Ganco, Florence Honorâe, Joseph Raffiee -- Suho Han, Sae Young Lee, Melissa E. Graebner -- Jason Greenberg.
Organisational collaboration has played an important role in the field of strategic management in the last couple of decades. Though the importance of collaboration to entrepreneurship might seem apparent, research on it is distributed across multiple contexts, theoretical perspectives, and units of analysis. The aim of this volume is to highlight this diversity and emphasise the important roles that collaboration plays in value creation, resource acquisition, and the development of entrepreneurial ventures. Interorganisational collaboration involves two or more independent organisations working together under an incomplete contract to accomplish certain objectives. These collaborations might take many forms, ranging from relatively informal or narrow-scope exchanges to equity partnerships.
9780190633912 (ebook) : No price
HB615 / .O944 2019