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Code of Civil Procedure Vol.1

Sarkar S C

Code of Civil Procedure Vol.1 Section 1 to Order XXA - 13th Ed - Haryana Lexis Nexis 2022 - 1946p xxxvii 24cm

PART-I: Suits in Bengal, Jurisdiction of the Courts and Resjudicata, Place of Suing, Institution of Suits, Summons, and Discovery, Judgment and Decree, Interest, Costs.
PART-II: Execution, Courts by which Decrees may be executed, Question to be Determined by Court executing Decree, Limit of time for execution, transferees and legal representatives, procedure in execution, arrest and detention, Attachment, Sale, Delegation to collector of power to execute decrees against immovable property, Distribution of assets, Resistance to execution.
PART-III: Incidental Proceedings, Commisions
PART-IV: Suits in particular Cases, Suits by or against the Government or Public offices in their official capacity, Suits by Allens, and by or against foreign rules, Ambassadors, and Envoys, Suits against rules of Former Indian States, Interpleader
PART-V: Special Proceedings, arbitrary, Special Cases, Public nuisance, and other wrongful Acts affecting the public, Supplemental Proceedings
PART-VI: Supplemental Proceedings
PART-VII: Appeals, Appeals from original Decrees, Appeals from Appleallate Decrees, Appeals from orders, General provisions relating to Appeals, Appeals to the Supreme Court
PART-VIII: References, Review, and Revision
PART-IX: Special provisions relating to the High Court of being the Court of Judicial Commissioner
PART-X: Rules
PART-XI: Miscellaneous
First Schedules
Order-I: Parties to suits
Order-II: Frames of Suits
Order-III: Recognized Agents and Pleaders
Oder-IV: Institution of Suits
Order-V: Issue and Services of Summons, Service of summons
Order-VI: Pleadings Generally
Order-VII: Plaint, Documents relied on in Plant
Order-VIII: Written statement, set-off, and counter-claim
Order-IX: Appearances of parties and consequence of non-appearance, Setting aside decrees ex party
Order-X: Examination of parties by the Court
Order-XI: Discovery and Inspection
Order-XII: Admission
Order-XIII: Production, Impounding, and return of documents
Order- XIV: Settlement of issues and determination of suit on issues of law or on issues agreed upon, Settlement of Issues and Determination of Suit
Order-XV: Disposal of the Suit at the first hearing
Order-XVI: Summoning and attendance of witnesses
Order-XVI-A: Attending of witnesses confined in Prison
Order-XVII: Adjournments
Order-XVIII: Hearing of the suit and examination of witnesses
Order-XIX: Affidavits
Order-XX: Judgment and Decree
Order-XX-A Costs



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