NLU Meghalaya Library

Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)

Comparative Constitutional Law /

Basu Das Durga

Comparative Constitutional Law / By Dr. Durga Das Basu. - 3rd Ed. - Haryana: Lexis Nexis, 2014. - 459p. xliii; 22cm

1. Scope of the Comparative Study of Constitutional Law, 2. History of Constitution - Making and Its Development in India, 3. Natural Justice, 4. Departures from Foreign Precedents, 5. Bill of Rights, 6. Judicial Decision Violating Due Process, 7. Scope of the Present Work, 8. The Basic Concepts Involved, 9. Incidents and Justiciability of a Written Constitution, 10. Interpretation of the Constitution, 11. Equality and Rule of Law, 12. Final Interpretation of Constitution, 13. Extraneous Evidence: Admissibility of, 14. Amendability of the Constitution, 15. The Constitution as Higher Law, 16. The Written Constitution as a Limitation, 17. The Principle Against Delegation of Constitutional Powers as a Limitation, 18. Judicial Review, Role og Judiciary and the Doctrine of State Action.
Subject Index.



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