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Clerk & Lindsell on Torts/

Dugdale, Anthony M.; Jones, M. A.

Clerk & Lindsell on Torts/ ed by Dugdale, Anthony M.; Jones, M. A. - USA Thomas and Reuters 2022 - 439p,; 24

1. Principles of Liability in Tort.
2. Causation in Tort: General Principles.
3. General Defences.
4. Joint Liability and Contribution.
5. Capacity and Parties.
6. Vicarious Liability.
7. Negligence.
8. Breach of Statutory Duty.
9. Professional Liability.
10. Product Liability and Consumer Protection.
11. Occupiers' Liability and Defective Premises.
12. Employers' Liability.
13. Public Service Liability.
14. Trespass to the Person.
15. Malicious Prosecution.
16. Wrongful Interference with Goods.
17. Deceit.
18. Trespass to Land and Dispossession.
19. Nuisance and Rylands v Fletcher.
20. Animals.
21. Defamation.
22. Malicious Falsehood.
23. Economic Torts.
24. Statutory Intellectual Property Rights.
25. Passing Off.
26. Breach of Confidence and Privacy.
27. Damages.
28. Injunctions.
29. Self-Help.
30. Discharge of Torts.
31. Limitation.
Index. Along with Second Supplement to the Twenty-Third Edition

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