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North Eastern Region local acts and rules Vol.3 : Co-Operative To Education


North Eastern Region local acts and rules Vol.3 : Co-Operative To Education - 2nd Ed. - Allahabad Orient Law House 1990 - 808p. 24cm


1. Co-operative Societies Rules, 1976 (Tripura)
2. Co-operative Societies Act, 1976 (Manipur)
3. Co-operative Societies Rules, 1977 (Manipur)
4. Autonomous Districts (Co-operative Societies) Regulation, 1951 (Assam)
5. Court-Fees (Amendment) Act, 1932 (Assam)
6. Court-Fees (Amendment) Act, 1947 (Assam)
7. Court-Fees (Amendment) Act, 1950 (Assam)
8. Court-Fees (Amendment) Act, 1954 (Assam)
9. Court-Fees (Amendment) Act, 1955 (Assam)
10. Court-Fees (Amendment) Act, 1958 (Assam)
11. Court-Fees (Second Amendment) Act, 1958 (Assam)
12. Court-Fees (Amendment) Act, 1960 (Assam)
13. Court-Fees (Amendment) Act, 1963 (Assam)
14. Court-Fees (Assam Amendment) Act, 1972
15. Court-Fees (Meghalaya First Amendment) Act, 1972
16. Court-Fees (Meghalaya Second Amendment) Act, 1972
17. Court-Fees (Amendment and Validation) Act, 1953 (Manipur)
18. Manipur (Courts) Act, 1955
19. Tripura (Courts) Order, 1959
20. Courts of Wards Act, 1897 (Bengal)
21. Proclamation on the Prohibition of Cow Killing in Manipur
22. Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 1934 (Assam)
23. Criminal Law (Amendment) Act 1953 (Assam)
24. Code of Criminal Procedure (Assam Amendment) Act, 1964
25. Code of Criminal Procedure (Assam Amendment) Act, 1966
26. Criminal Law (Amendment) Act1978 (Assam)
27. Code of Criminal Procedure (Assam Amendment) Act, 1980
28. Code Of Criminal Procedure (Assam Amendment) Ordinance, 1983
29. Criminal Law Amendment (Extension to Autonomous Districts) Act, 1955
30. Naga Hills Districts (Application of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898) Regulation, 1956
31. Criminal Law (Amendment) Regulation, 1962 (Nagaland)
32. Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 1972 (Meghalaya)
33. General Rules (Criminal), 1954
34. Criminal Rules (Assam)
35. Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (Arunachal Pradesh & Mizoram)
36. Credit Operation and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1976 (Meghalaya)
37. Credit Operation and Miscellaneous Provisions Rules, 1979 (Meghalaya)
38. Declaration of Stocks and Prices of Essential Commodities Order, 1977 (Assam)
39. Defence Pleaders (Appointment and Fees) Rules, 1976 (High Court of Assam, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Manipur & Tripura)
40. Dental Council Rules (Assam)
41. Detention Order 1972 (Assam)
42. Detention Order, 1980 (Assam)
43. Preventive Detention Regulation, 1973 (North-East Frontier Agency)
44. Debt Conciliation Act, 1936 (Assam)
45. Debt Conciliation Rules, 1937 (Assam)
46. Displaced Persons (Rehabilitation) Loans) Rules, 1951 (Assam)
47. Displaced Persons (Rehabilitation) Loans) Rules, 1954 (Assam)
48. Development Authorities Act, 1964 (Assam)
49. Disorderly Houses Act, 1936 (Assam)
50. Disturbed Areas Act, 1955 (Assam)
51. Drugs (Control) Act, 1950 (Assam)
52. Drugs (Control) Rules, 1945 (Assam)
53. Economic and Statistical Service Rules, 1973 (Assam)
54. Economic and Statistical (Junior) Service Rules, 1980 (Assam)
55. Education Department Rules and Orders (Assam)
56. Gauhati University Act, 1947
57. Rules and Regulations Governing the use of the University Library
58. Gauhati University Leave Rules, 1966
59. Gauhati University Travelling Allowances Rules, 1966
60. Gauhati University Loans and Advances Rules, 1959
61. Rules for the Grant of Educational Loans to University Employees
62. Rules for Overtime Allowance of Employees' 1965
63. Rules for the University Guest House
64. Rules for the Used of Motor Vehicles
65. Gauhati University Records (Preservation and Destruction) Rules, 1970
66. Gauhati University Employees' Conduct Rules, 1975
67. Gauhati University Teachers' Conduct Rules, 1975
68. Gauhati University Retirement Benefits Rules, 1974
69. Dibrugarh University Act, 1965


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