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Industrialisation in North-East Region /

Ahmed, Jaynal U.

Industrialisation in North-East Region / by Jaynal U. Ahmed - New Delhi: 2007. - 203p,; xiv, 22cm.

1. Look East Through North-East, 2. India's Look East Policy - Breaking Trade Barriers with Special Reference to North-East India, 3. Production Trend of Oil Sector in North-East - With Special Reference to Assam, 4. Tourism as an Industry in North-Eastern Region - A Case Study of Meghalaya, 5. Arunachal Pradesh as an Emerging Power House, 6. Small Scale Industries in Mizoram - A Study, 7. Bank Financing of Small Scale Industries - A Diagnostic Evaluation, 8. Prospects of Cultural Tourism in Arunachal Pradesh, 9. Industrial Pollution in Shillong City - A Case Study, 10. Industrial Scenario of Meghalaya - An Overview, 11. Infrastructure Development for Industrialisation, 12. Constraints Experienced by Women Entrepreneurs in South Assam, 13. Working Capital Management of Women Vendors in Manipur - An Empirical Study, 14. Study of the Impact of Entrepreneurial Dynamics of Small Tea Growers in Rural Transformation of Tripura, 15. Treats and Opportunities for Industries in Jharkhand, 16. Industrialization Paving the Way for Urbanization - An Economic Study, 17. Globalisation and Industrial Scenario - A Study of Sikkim, 18. Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurship - Challenges and Opportunities, 19. Industrial policy Framework and Entrepreneurship Development in North-East India - A Critical Perspective, 20. Tourism as an Industry in the North-Eastern Region.
It Include Index.


Industrialisation--India, Northeastern
Industrial development--India, Northeastern

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