India-EU Free Trade Agreement: Potential Impact on the Northeast India /
Thangjam, Homen
India-EU Free Trade Agreement: Potential Impact on the Northeast India / by Homen Thangjam, Hanjabam Isworchandra Sharma, Shukhdeba Sharma Hanjabam - New Delhi: 2017. - 180p,; xiv, 22cm.
1. Free Trade: Setting the Context.
2. Proposed Free Trade Agreement Between India and the European Union.
3. Securitization and Militarization: Trade and Development Experience in Manipur.
4. Extractive Industry, Oil and Natural Gas Sector and the EU.
5. Food Security and Livelihood Options in an EU India Free Trade Regime.
6. Conclusion.
Includes Appendices, Bibliography and Index.
Free Trade--Commercial Policy
India -- Commerce -- European Union countries
382.7109541 / THA
India-EU Free Trade Agreement: Potential Impact on the Northeast India / by Homen Thangjam, Hanjabam Isworchandra Sharma, Shukhdeba Sharma Hanjabam - New Delhi: 2017. - 180p,; xiv, 22cm.
1. Free Trade: Setting the Context.
2. Proposed Free Trade Agreement Between India and the European Union.
3. Securitization and Militarization: Trade and Development Experience in Manipur.
4. Extractive Industry, Oil and Natural Gas Sector and the EU.
5. Food Security and Livelihood Options in an EU India Free Trade Regime.
6. Conclusion.
Includes Appendices, Bibliography and Index.
Free Trade--Commercial Policy
India -- Commerce -- European Union countries
382.7109541 / THA