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Fletcher Cyclopedia of The Law of Corporations Volume 7: Chap. 37-39 Secs. 2968-3398.60, Powers of Corporation Leases of Instruments Mortgages and Deeds of Trust Security Interests Foreclosure/

Fletcher, William Meade.

Fletcher Cyclopedia of The Law of Corporations Volume 7: Chap. 37-39 Secs. 2968-3398.60, Powers of Corporation Leases of Instruments Mortgages and Deeds of Trust Security Interests Foreclosure/ By William Meade Fletcher. - 2022 - USA: Thomson Reuters, 2009. - 739P;, xxxi, 25cm.

Chapter 37: Powers of Corporations Respecting Leases of Property.

Chapter 38: Powers of Corporations Respecting Execution Corporate Instruments.
I. General Considerations.
II. Instruments Under Seal.
III. Simple Contracts Other than Negotiable Instruments.
IV. Negotiable Instruments.
V. Acknowledgements.
VI. Affidavits.
VII. Parol Evidence.

Chapter 39: Powers of Corporations Respecting Mortgages, Deeds of Trust and Security Interests.
I. General Considerations.
II. Power to Mortgage.
III. Property Covered by Mortgage.
IV. Who May Execute or Authorize Mortgage.
V. Form, Contents, Execution and Validity.
VI Rights, Remedies and Liabilities of Bondholders.
VII. Trustees Under Mortgages or Deeds of Trust.
VIII. Foreclosure.
IX. Equipment Trusts.
X. Distribution of Proceeds and Priorities.

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