Fletcher Cyclopedia of The Law of Corporations Volume 5(A): Chap.16-21 Secs. 2109-2413, Executive Compensation Books and Records Reports Quo Warranto Mandamus/
Fletcher, William Meade.
Fletcher Cyclopedia of The Law of Corporations Volume 5(A): Chap.16-21 Secs. 2109-2413, Executive Compensation Books and Records Reports Quo Warranto Mandamus/ By William Meade Fletcher. - 2020 - USA: Thomson Reuters, 2009. - 745P;, xxv, 25cm.
Chapter 16: Executive Compensation.
I. Right to Compensation.
II. Power to Set Compensation.
III. Requisites for Compensation.
IV. Forms of Compensation.
V. Miscellaneous Considerations.
VI. Practice and Procedure.
Chapter 17: Corporate Books and Records.
I. In General.
II. Duty to Keep.
III. Requisites.
IV. Custody.
V. Filing, Recording and Amendment.
VI. As Evidence.
Chapter 18: Inspection of Corporate Books and Records.
I. Sources and Nature of Right of Inspection.
II. Qualifications and Conditions of Right of Inspection and Purposes for Which Inspection Allowable.
III. Corporations Subject to Inspection.
IV. Persons Entitled to Inspection.
V. Extent, Method, Time and Place of Inspection.
VI. Demand Refusal of Inspection, and Justification and Defenses for Refusal.
VII. Enforcement of Right.
VIII. Damages and Penalties.
Chapter 19: Reports.
I. Statutory Provisions.
II. Corporations Subject to Duty to Reports.
III. Form and Requisites and matters to be Reported.
IV. Filing and Publication.
V. Remedies Liabilities and Penalties for Breach of Statutory Duty.
VI. Enforcement of Liability.
Chapter 20: Quo Warranto
I. In General.
II. Property and Availability of Remedy.
III. Procedure.
Chapter 21: Mandamus
I. In General.
II. Particular Corporate Acts Subject to Mandamus.
III. Particular Types of Corporations Subjects to Mandamus.
IV. Procedure.
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Fletcher Cyclopedia of The Law of Corporations Volume 5(A): Chap.16-21 Secs. 2109-2413, Executive Compensation Books and Records Reports Quo Warranto Mandamus/ By William Meade Fletcher. - 2020 - USA: Thomson Reuters, 2009. - 745P;, xxv, 25cm.
Chapter 16: Executive Compensation.
I. Right to Compensation.
II. Power to Set Compensation.
III. Requisites for Compensation.
IV. Forms of Compensation.
V. Miscellaneous Considerations.
VI. Practice and Procedure.
Chapter 17: Corporate Books and Records.
I. In General.
II. Duty to Keep.
III. Requisites.
IV. Custody.
V. Filing, Recording and Amendment.
VI. As Evidence.
Chapter 18: Inspection of Corporate Books and Records.
I. Sources and Nature of Right of Inspection.
II. Qualifications and Conditions of Right of Inspection and Purposes for Which Inspection Allowable.
III. Corporations Subject to Inspection.
IV. Persons Entitled to Inspection.
V. Extent, Method, Time and Place of Inspection.
VI. Demand Refusal of Inspection, and Justification and Defenses for Refusal.
VII. Enforcement of Right.
VIII. Damages and Penalties.
Chapter 19: Reports.
I. Statutory Provisions.
II. Corporations Subject to Duty to Reports.
III. Form and Requisites and matters to be Reported.
IV. Filing and Publication.
V. Remedies Liabilities and Penalties for Breach of Statutory Duty.
VI. Enforcement of Liability.
Chapter 20: Quo Warranto
I. In General.
II. Property and Availability of Remedy.
III. Procedure.
Chapter 21: Mandamus
I. In General.
II. Particular Corporate Acts Subject to Mandamus.
III. Particular Types of Corporations Subjects to Mandamus.
IV. Procedure.
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