Fletcher Cyclopedia of The Law of Corporations Volume 5: Chap.13-15 Secs. 1996-2108, Shareholder Meetings and Voting Control Agreements Voting Trusts Corporate Governance/
Fletcher, William Meade.
Fletcher Cyclopedia of The Law of Corporations Volume 5: Chap.13-15 Secs. 1996-2108, Shareholder Meetings and Voting Control Agreements Voting Trusts Corporate Governance/ By William Meade Fletcher. - 2019 - USA: Thomson Reuters, 2009. - 579P;, xix, 25cm.
Chapter 13: Shareholder Meetings and Elections.
I. Necessity, Occasions and Purpose.
II. Calling of Meetings.
III. Time and Place for Holding Meetings and Elections.
IV. Notice of Meetings and Elections.
V. Conducts of Meeting and Elections.
VI. The Right to Vote and Persons Entitled to do so.
VII. Per Capita, Stock, or Cumulative Voting.
VIII. Proxy and Other Representative Voting.
IX. Review and Control of Meetings and Elections by Courts.
Chapter 14: Shareholder Voting and Control Agreements and Voting Trusts.
I. Shareholder Voting and Control Agreements.
II. Voting Trusts.
Chapter 15: Corporate Governance.
346.066 / WIL
Fletcher Cyclopedia of The Law of Corporations Volume 5: Chap.13-15 Secs. 1996-2108, Shareholder Meetings and Voting Control Agreements Voting Trusts Corporate Governance/ By William Meade Fletcher. - 2019 - USA: Thomson Reuters, 2009. - 579P;, xix, 25cm.
Chapter 13: Shareholder Meetings and Elections.
I. Necessity, Occasions and Purpose.
II. Calling of Meetings.
III. Time and Place for Holding Meetings and Elections.
IV. Notice of Meetings and Elections.
V. Conducts of Meeting and Elections.
VI. The Right to Vote and Persons Entitled to do so.
VII. Per Capita, Stock, or Cumulative Voting.
VIII. Proxy and Other Representative Voting.
IX. Review and Control of Meetings and Elections by Courts.
Chapter 14: Shareholder Voting and Control Agreements and Voting Trusts.
I. Shareholder Voting and Control Agreements.
II. Voting Trusts.
Chapter 15: Corporate Governance.
346.066 / WIL