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Fletcher Cyclopedia of The Law of Corporations Volume 3: Chap.11 Secs. 786-1028, Directors officers Agents/

Fletcher, William Meade.

Fletcher Cyclopedia of The Law of Corporations Volume 3: Chap.11 Secs. 786-1028, Directors officers Agents/ By William Meade Fletcher. - 2018 - USA: Thomson Reuters, 2009. - 787P;, xxiv, 25cm.

Chapter 11: Directors, Other Officers and Agents (Continued).
XXIII. Notice to or Knowledge of Officers or Agents as Chargeable to Corporation.
XXIV. Notice to or Knowledge of One Officer or Agent as Chargeable to That or Another Officer or Agent.
XXV. Directors and Officers as Fiduciaries or Trustees.
XXVI. Conflicts of Interest Transactions Between Directors or Officers and the Corporation.
XXVII. General Duties and Liabilities of Directors or Officers Connected with Management of Corporation.

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