American Jurisprudence Vol.63(C): Prohibition to Public Officers and Employees/
Ed. by Canavan, J.D. Matthew J.
American Jurisprudence Vol.63(C): Prohibition to Public Officers and Employees/ Ed. by. Matthew J. Canavan, J.D. et. al. - 2nd Ed. - New York: Lawyers Cooperative Publishing, 1997. - 983P;, liv, 25cm.
Table of Parallel References.
Table of Statutes and Rules Cited.
1. Prohibition.
2. Property.
3. Prosecuting Attorneys.
4. Prostitution.
5. Public Funds.
6. Public Lands.
7. Public Officers and Employees.
340.73 / AME
American Jurisprudence Vol.63(C): Prohibition to Public Officers and Employees/ Ed. by. Matthew J. Canavan, J.D. et. al. - 2nd Ed. - New York: Lawyers Cooperative Publishing, 1997. - 983P;, liv, 25cm.
Table of Parallel References.
Table of Statutes and Rules Cited.
1. Prohibition.
2. Property.
3. Prosecuting Attorneys.
4. Prostitution.
5. Public Funds.
6. Public Lands.
7. Public Officers and Employees.
340.73 / AME