American Jurisprudence Vol.62: Post Office to Premises Liability 1-470/
Ed. by Canavan, J.D. Matthew J.
American Jurisprudence Vol.62: Post Office to Premises Liability 1-470/ Ed. by. Matthew J. Canavan, J.D. et. al. - 2nd Ed. - USA: Thomson/West, 2005. - 829P;, v, 25cm.
1. Post Office.
2. Powers of Appointment and Alienation.
3. Premises Liability.
Includes Table of Laws and Rules, Key Number Table, Correlation Table and index.
Finding Aids for premises Liability Appear in Volume 62A.
340.73 / AME
American Jurisprudence Vol.62: Post Office to Premises Liability 1-470/ Ed. by. Matthew J. Canavan, J.D. et. al. - 2nd Ed. - USA: Thomson/West, 2005. - 829P;, v, 25cm.
1. Post Office.
2. Powers of Appointment and Alienation.
3. Premises Liability.
Includes Table of Laws and Rules, Key Number Table, Correlation Table and index.
Finding Aids for premises Liability Appear in Volume 62A.
340.73 / AME